NSC Students Earn National Rocketry Certifications

Congratulations to four North Seattle College Rocketry Club members who achieved National Association of Rocketry certifications during fall quarter. Mohamed Bin Nagi earned Level 2 certification, and Henry Hong and Alan Beem earned Level 1 certifications Sept. 30 at the Tri-Cities Rocketeers launch site in Pasco, Wash. Leon Lange earned Level 1 certification at the Nov. 2 launch at the same site.
For these flights, the high-power rockets attain a maximum altitude of about 3,000 feet, and are in the air for many minutes as they descend under a parachute. Each student built, launched and recovered their own high-power rocket to earn certification. In turn, they are now authorized to fly high-power rockets on their own.
The NSC Rocketry Club meets Wednesdays at 1 p.m. and Sundays at 11 a.m. in the Rocketry Shop in the garage level of the College Center building. For more information, please contact club president Sicoya Bellis.