2024 Graduate Profile: Nguyen Tran

In Fall 2022, Nguyen Tran embarked on her academic journey at North Seattle College (NSC). Now, she is proudly graduating Cum Laude with her Associate of Arts (AA-DTA), a significant milestone that paves the way for her future in health information management. 

Her passion for this field was nurtured during her time as a medical assistant in secondary and high school. Helping her mother, a dedicated doctor, with tasks such as preparing medicine and informing patients about their medications, Nguyen realized how time-consuming it was for her mother to gather patients' medical histories. This experience sparked her desire to create a medical record system to help her mother in the charity work she has been committed to for almost a decade. 

One of Nguyen's most cherished memories at NSC comes from her anatomy class with Joel Dahms. "I was fortunate to have a group of studious friends who shared the same goals and challenges," said Nguyen. "Despite being one of the toughest classes required for my prerequisites, the camaraderie and mutual support we shared made the experience unforgettable. I’m grateful to hear different stories from diverse perspectives from folks whom I’ve known and gotten along with for quarters."  

Choosing NSC was driven by the diverse range of majors and the exceptional support from both admissions and instructors. North Seattle College has provided Nguyen with a comfortable environment where she could be herself and gradually shed insecurities, fostering significant personal growth from quarter to quarter. 

During her time at NSC, she actively utilized student support services. AANAPISI was particularly instrumental, providing a peer mentorship program that nurtured Nguyen's sense of belonging and kept her informed about valuable resources and opportunities. The support from Jordan and Dawn was so impactful that I became a peer mentor for the 2023-2024 academic year. 

With regards to her academic journey, Nguyen pays tribute to the Student Learning Center, with thanks to Marcus for his help, and the Writing Center, which assisted her in crafting her personal statement, which were crucial to her success. Every step required meticulous attention, especially since she is all-in for University of Washington. 

The journey was not without challenges. Nguyen's first two quarters were especially tough as she grappled with culture shock, language barriers, and self-doubt. However, by focusing on personal growth and drawing strength from her peers' advice and her family's support from halfway across the world, she overcame these obstacles. Her inspiration comes from her mother, who has given her the life she has today. 

"I've relied on my mom's effort and support to study in places she's never seen, learn things she never had the chance to learn, and achieve dreams she never imagined – all thanks to her sweat and tears," said Nguyen. "She may have only stayed around our hometown, may not know as much as I do, or travel as much as I do...but no matter how far I go in life, I will never be able to compare myself to her." 

Pursuing higher education is crucial to Nguyen as it allows her to fulfill her aspirations, explore new areas, and achieve her goal of assisting her mom in simplifying the medical examination process at their hometown clinic. After graduating from NSC, Nguyen plans to spend the summer with her family before continuing her education at the University of Washington to pursue a Bachelor of Health Information Management. 

"I am incredibly grateful for the support I've received from my friends, family, and the NSC community. Their encouragement and guidance have been instrumental in my journey, and I look forward to using what I've learned to make a positive impact in the field of health information management." 

A message to Nguyen’s fellow graduates: 
To all of us, NSC peers, keep pushing forward! There’s an equivalent amount of success in every single effort that we are putting into. They may not seem significant now, but each step we take brings us closer to our goals. One day, we’ll look back and realize how far we’ve gone from the starting point. Embrace the journey, embrace the growth, and believe in the flamboyant masterpiece we’re creating with every step.