2024 Graduate Profile: Raquel Taylor

Q: When did you start at NSC?
A: I first began taking classes at North Seattle College all the way back in the Summer 2004- back when it was still called “North Seattle Community College”
Q: What are you studying and what award are you earning (degree, certificate, etc.)?
A: Associate of Arts DTA [LASDTAA] Direct Transfer Degree.
Q: What field would you like to go into?
A: My end goal is a Masters in School Counseling. I dream is to work as a middle school counselor.
Q: Favorite class and/or favorite memory at NSC?
A: It’s so hard to pick a favorite class! I think every class I have taken has truly been my favorite. From Early Childhood Education, to Math, Psychology, Creative Writing. I have garnered important skills and knowledge from all my classes. Each instructor has been a person I have grown to care about.
Q: Why NSC?
A: I remember when my mother attended North Seattle College, I must have been three or four years old at the time. I remember her taking me to the library and setting me on the counter while she checked out books and bought me jellybeans. I remember gazing up at the large papier-mâché Spider-Man (Please bring back spider-man to the library!) hanging down from the ceiling, and just being in awe of how big the whole building was. I guess I just grew up around this college. I also attended Middle College Highschool, which is/was “sister schools” with North Seattle College; and it just felt right to come here.
Q: Did you utilize any student support services at NSC?
A: I utilized the North Seattle advisors, the tutoring center, as well as disability services. The advising appointments helped to keep me on track and reach my goals. The tutors were helpful to get that extra time I needed outside of class to stay on top of my studies. The disability services provided me adequate accommodations so that I was better prepared and able to succeed on my educational journey.
Q: Boundaries/obstacles/challenges that you’ve overcome?
A: I started at North Seattle College right out of high school. I was going to school part-time, working 40+ hours a week in JustServe AmeriCorps, as well as working the weekends as an in-home-care provider to young adults with special needs. I have a lot of drive, and this is something that has stayed with me throughout the years. Unfortunately, I ended up in an abusive relationship that lasted for the better part of a decade. Everything just kind of fell away and I lost myself for a long time. Thanks to my family, my friends, and my church I have come out on the other side stronger and ready to finish what I set out to do so many years ago! I also have an amazing son who is almost 8 years old!
Q: Where do you draw your inspiration from?
A: I draw inspiration from my mother, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. My mother is the strongest person I know – she is also a huge supporter of me and my dreams. My faith has also inspired me to be the best person that I can be, and to remember that no matter how hard life gets there is one that has overcome the world and understands all of our joy and pain. My son also inspires me to do my best, so that I can provide the best kind of life possible for the two of us.
Q: Why is getting a higher education important to you?
A: I think continuing education is an important part of keeping our minds active and focused. My college education is so important to me because I need to achieve a Masters in School Counseling in order to become a school counselor. This transfer degree is the first step along that path.
Q: What’s next after NSC?
A: This Fall of 2024 I will begin my junior year at the University of Arizona online. I will be working towards obtaining my BA in Psychology, with a Minor in Spanish.
Q: Anything else you’d like to share?
A: It feels like everything is finally coming full circle, and I am so grateful to be completing this first part of my journey back where it all started, at North Seattle College!