NSC Art Students Shine at League of Innovation Competition
Congratulations to the North Seattle College students competing in this year’s League for Innovation Student Art Competition. There were 120 entries from all three Seattle Colleges in the district competition and the top five award winners move on to the national competition.
NSC students took first, second and third place, as well as all seven honorable mentions in the competition.
“We are so proud of these students – not only for the exceptional work they are doing in class but for going the extra mile in completing their applications and crafting their artist statements,” said Kelda Martensen, North Seattle College Visual Art faculty member, who thanked fellow Art faculty member Emily Gherard for her work as the campus liaison to the League for Innovation.
“Each year, Emily puts in many, many hours making this process accessible, getting the word out and collaborating across the district to give our students this opportunity.”
*See these works in person on display in the Annual Juried Student Show, May 13 – June 13, 2024 in the NSC Art Gallery.
Best in Show
Amaya Berger, Daughter of the Sea (Charcoal on Paper)

Second Place
Madeline Brandt, Glamour (Charcoal on Paper)

Third Place
Kristin Mayer, Control (Papier Mâché, Wood, Wire, Plastic, Wooden Beads and Hot Glue)

Honorable Mentions
*Faina Abdrasil, Hand in Motion (Charcoal on Paper)
Joseph Bantum, Elevator (Oil on Canvas)
Justin Gregg, Bananas (Stoneware)
Liliana Gutierrez-Pino, Stretch (Digital Illustration)
*Michelle Carranza Velasco, El Gallo (Collagraph)
Othello Smith, Fruity (Charcoal on Paper)
*Tamsin Gillie, Still Life #2 (Charcoal on Paper)