NSC Students Named to 2024 All-Washington Academic Team

Congratulations to North Seattle College students Yaser Alshammari and Chris Dolinski for being named to the All-Washington Academic Team for 2024. This honor recognizes top scholars from Washington state’s community and technical colleges. Those named to the team reflect the diversity of the state, maintain high standards of excellence, and contribute positively to the community. Their stories are often inspiring, sometimes surprising, and always reflective of the larger story of the state’s community and technical college students.
The program has become the showcase for Washington’s community and technical colleges because it honors the academic high achievers, the individuals who have demonstrated a commitment to success in the classroom and in the communities in which they live. This recognition demonstrates the state’s commitment to scholarship and community service on the part of those attending the state’s public community and technical colleges.
Yaser, Chris and students from community and technical colleges throughout the state were honored April 25 in a ceremony at South Puget Sound Community College.
Yaser Alshammari (Pictured left)
Age: 39
GPA: 4.0
Area of study or desired degree: Network and server administration specialist
Will transfer to a university for a BAS (Bachelor of Applied Science) degree in information technology
Yaser Alshammari is in his second year at North Seattle College, studying Network and Server Administration with a focus on Cyber Security and Networking. He expects to graduate this summer or fall. Yaser chose North Seattle College because of the availability of the program and classes he's interested in. Additionally, the classes fit his work schedule and allow him to have a life balance between work and college. Yaser says it all started with a simple advising phone call with his "great professor, Mr. Robert Bunge," who has helped with his academic needs throughout this journey, which will ultimately turn into a degree in IT. He thanks all his instructors and advisors for making it all possible.
Chris Dolinski (Pictured right)
Age: 34
GPA: 4.0
Area of Study: Academic transfer degree
Transfer degree
After sustaining a repetitive strain injury in both their arms while working as a pastry chef, Chris decided to go back to school to find something that wouldn’t destroy their body. At the age of 31 they started taking classes at North Seattle College. Chris applied to two schools for transfer, the University of Washington and Columbia University, and they were accepted at both. Proving to be Ivy League material at 34 reaffirmed their choice to finally attend college.