Celebrating Community College Month

A message from NSC Interim President, Rachel Solemsaas, Ed.D
April is Community College Month. I share with you our pride in being part of this unique American invention. This system has proven time and time again the important work of democratizing higher education, expanding opportunities to all while transforming many lives.
As America's demographic diversity has grown, the CCs’ commitment to higher education has resulted in a diverse student body representing all aspects of our American society. As of Fall 2022, our nation's CC student population comprised 58% women, 57% non-white students, 32% first-generation students, and 23% students with disability (AACC Fast Facts, 2024). Additionally, the CCs account for a sizable portion of our nation's diverse undergraduates: 53% of Native Americans, 48% of Hispanics, 39% of African Americans, and 34% of Asian and Pacific Islanders.
At NSC, among those students who reported, about 56% are women, 66% are non-white, 23% are first-generation students, and 4% are students with disability. (To learn more, please see the Fact & Figures Snapshot on our website.)
Statistics are certainly interesting and can help as we dive into the needs of our community and the perspectives that can shape how we approach our educational mission. I note our Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Community’s purpose at North is to improve student satisfaction, retention, completion, and job placement and to narrow student performance gaps in partnership with faculty, staff, and students.
With that in mind, I am incredibly proud to represent the excellent work we do and promote the importance of North and the place community colleges have in our society.
That place is more important than ever.