Conversations with Counselors: Adjusting, Coping and Managing Personal and Global Event Stress

Conversations with Counselors: Adjusting, Coping and Managing Personal and Global Event Stress
When: April 20, 4 - 5 p.m.
Where: Zoom
What: The Counseling department is holding a panel focused on checking in with students and providing support. The Conversations with Counselors panel will be a low-barrier way to check in with students, see how they have been managing so far, and getting them access to additional support from counseling faculty.
This panel may be a low barrier resource for students who:
- may be coping with uncertainty and anxiety based on current events
- adjusting due to COVID waves and on/off campus life, immigration, displacement or conflict histories personal or generational who are activated by current global events, students with veteran status, or others who's circumstances may be triggered by increased coverage of armed conflict/war/violent events
- may be struggling with increased coverage or personal/community exposure to acts of identity-based violence
- may be coping with grief and loss, or other events and circumstances increasing stress and distress that would benefit from a community-based panel check in, and discussion about skills and resources for support.
How: This is not a therapy group but rather an opportunity to connect with others in the North Seattle College community and Counseling Faculty, Dr. Jenny Mao, Emiko Minatoya-Shields, and Melissa Allen will be available to provide skills and resources for coping with changes, uncertainty, and ongoing stressors.