In-Person and Virtual Student Services Expanding on Apr. 4
Beginning April 4, services will be open Monday through Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. This includes all student-facing services, including instructional division offices. These days and hours are all subject to change, depending on the extent that COVID-19 cases fall or rise in the region.
An extra day has been added to expand virtual services into the evenings. Beginning the week of April 4, virtual student services, including Admissions, Advising, Financial Aid and Registration, are available until 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Here are some important notes:
- As referenced above, North’s entry procedures and vaccination requirements have not changed. If you are on campus, please complete the Online Daily Wellness Screening Form, preferably before you arrive on site.
- Zoom Zones are available on campus for students who need to participate in online activities or virtual classes.
- Information about parking is available on the North website.
For the most current COVID-19 information as it pertains to North and the other district colleges, including the latest exposure data, please visit the Seattle Colleges website.