Meet Natasha Roslonik, NSC ECE BAS Alumna

Meet Natasha Roslosnik, North Seattle College Early Childhood Education Bachelor of Applied Science Alumna, 2020. Natasha shares more information about her background and how education changed her life.
I did not have an easy childhood. I am the second oldest in a family of five, I was essentially the built-in babysitter for my younger siblings as my mom was always absent. To say we were struggling would be putting it mildly; we moved more times than I can recall and we were often starving. I could have easily followed the same routine but I decided to learn and grow from those hardships.
I started my higher education journey in 2005 and decided that I didn’t need to get a degree. I got a job that I was good at but didn’t love and only ever passively thought about going back to school. I did not know what direction my life would go. I did not think I could afford schooling, and I certainly didn’t want student loans. When I found myself in Seattle in 2015, I discovered that I was a changed woman. I recognized the need for an education, discovered my passion, and took the leap back into school.
In 2020, I completed my Bachelor of Applied Science degree in Early Childhood Education, making me the first person in my immediate family to receive a degree. Now, I am working towards my Masters of Education in Early Childhood Education at Eastern Washington University! Finally at 33, I honestly cannot think of a better direction for my life to go. With the support of North Seattle College I am feeling whole. My life has meaning and purpose and I am enriching the lives of our future generations.