NSC Election Day Party & Election Results Table Talk

Recordings of Fall 2020 past events are available online:
Eric Liu “You’re More Powerful Than You Think: A Citizen’s Guide to Making Change Happen”
Seattle Colleges’ Election Day Party
The North Seattle College community is invited to participate in political participation events hosted by faculty from the Political Science, Social Justice/Intersectional Studies, History programs & the Office of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. Students are highly encouraged to attend all events and holding spaces. Classes are welcomed to join all events listed below.
North Seattle College hosts the Seattle Colleges’ Election Day Party
Tuesday, November 3, 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.
Brought to you by the Seattle Colleges’ Equity Diversity & Inclusion office, members from the North Seattle College Ad Hoc Civic Engagement Committee will host this Zoom event as we watch election results come in. What will happen?! Meet faculty from the Seattle Colleges as we celebrate the Election Day and track the latest results. Please contact Jill Lane, Political Science Faculty, jill.lane@seattlecolleges.edu, or Jim Jewell, English Faculty, jim.jewell@seattlecolleges.edu, if you have any questions.
NSC Presents: North Seattle College Hosts Post-Election Results Analysis Table Talk
Monday, November 9, noon – 1:30 p.m.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/99795882831?pwd=MzlWazZtYThLalIzNVZsRGNGNjJrdz09
Faculty from the North Seattle and South Seattle Political Science programs, North Seattle’s Social Justice/Intersectional Studies, and North Seattle’s History programs will be on Zoom to answer your questions and discuss the November 3 election results. Bring your questions, and we’ll talk about what’s interesting to our community. Please contact Jill Lane, Political Science Faculty, jill.lane@seattlecolleges.edu, Deepa Bhandaru, Social Justice/Intersectional Studies Faculty, deepa.bhandaru@seattlecolleges.edu, and/or Cristobal Borges, History Faculty, cristobal.borges@seattlecolleges.edu if you have questions.
Cardboard VOTE letter sculptures (shown above) were created by sculpture students Kyra Bradley (V), Chris Jameson (O), April Cameron (T), and Nolan Lovelace (E) in ART 211 and 212.