NSC Students: COVID-19 update, no classes Monday 3/9. Alternate modes of instruction start 3/10.

Dear Students,
Through continued review of the King County Public Health recommendations, conversations with our staff, and noting that we are nearing final exams, we have decided to suspend classroom instruction for one day, Monday, March 9, meaning no classes will be held at NSC on Monday. At that time faculty will be working to create lesson plans for the remaining weeks of winter quarter that will reduce face-to-face class time. On Tuesday, March 10, classes will resume and your instructors will be in touch to share their plans for the rest of the quarter.
Campus facilities and all student services will remain open to continue to serve you. Available services include the Child Care Center, Student Learning Center, Advising Office, Registration Office, Library, Business Office, and Wellness Center.
There are still no confirmed cases of COVID-19 among students or employees at any Seattle Colleges locations. The decision to suspend classroom instruction is intended to minimize the potential exposure to coronavirus by students, faculty, and staff. This follows our decision on Thursday to cancel public events at our campus involving more than 50 people. If a COVID-19 case is confirmed, NSC will review our operational plan.
We will continue prioritize your health and safety and will be in touch with updates. Please check the Seattle Colleges informational site for the most up-to-date information: seattlecolleges.edu/coronavirus.
And, if you haven’t signed up for emergency alert messages, please do so now: www.getrave.com/login/seattlecolleges.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to navigate this situation, and please take care.
Warren Brown, Ed.D.
President, North Seattle College